Design Review Process Summary

Please note that this is an outline summary of the process, an in-depth detailed breakdown is available in the Design Guidelines Packet and Construction Activities Agreement.

May - October: Thursdays 1:00 PM (MST)

November - April: 2nd & 4th Thursday 1:00 PM (MST)

(All required materials must be submitted one week in advance for ARC Review)


Pre-planning Meeting [step 1]

  1. Select your design team [architect], they will need to be present at all 3 meetings throughout the design review process

  2. Request the pre-planning meeting by e-mailing the ARC administrator, David Humes:

  3. Pay ARC review fee

  4. Complete a certified site survey

  5. Submit the certified site survey to the ARC administrator one (1) week before the scheduled pre-planning meeting

  6. Applicant and design team meet with the ARC to present the site survey and discuss the analysis of the owner’s site, its physical constraints, and the visual & environmental sensitivities

Architectural Design Review Meeting [step 2]

  1. Request a review meeting 3 weeks in advance

  2. Submit a package of conceptual plans 1 week in advance

    1. Check List must be completed and submitted with the application.

  3. The homeowner and/or design representative make an informal presentation to outline development and goals on the meeting date scheduled

Final Plan Review [step 3]

  1. Request a final review meeting 3 weeks in advance

  2. Submit the package of final documents 1 week before the scheduled review meeting

  3. The homeowner and/or design representative make a presentation of conceptual design materials

The ARC will issue a written response to the applicant within 14 days of the final review meeting.

Construction Activity Observations and Compliance Monitoring [step 4]

Note: The Construction Administration fee of $5,000 and Construction deposit of $20,000 must be paid prior to this step. (see Construction Activities agreement for details)


  1. Site Observation with the builder: Prior to any site disturbance, and within seven working days of receipt of written request.

  2. Framing Observation: Within seven working days of receipt of written request

  3. Final Observation: Within seven working days of receipt of written request and prior to request of a Certificate of Occupancy from the City of Eden.

  4. Notice of Completion: Issued within seven working days of observation

The Association monitors the construction sites regularly for compliance.